Monday, September 30, 2019

How can sociologists explain the improvement in the educational performance of girls?

It is widely argued that gender influences achievement. Sociologists have noticed a difference in the level of achievement in boys and girls under sixteen. Studies show boys do not perform as well as girls in standard subjects in school, girls are now overtaking boys at a higher-level standard. Sociologists noticed this when they saw A' level results and GCSE results, however Post-16 girls tend to drop out of science and technology despite doing better than boys at GCSE. Boys' early literacy skills are markedly lower than girls. Although sociologists agree that there is a definite ‘gender gap' between males and female under sixteen, it is not just a simple case of ‘boys doing badly, girls doing well'. The relationship between gender and achievement is much more complex; problems have arose within the area of ‘the gender gap', it is not the same in all subjects – boys perform slightly better in GCSE maths than girls. It can not be applied to all levels of education, particularly university where the dropout rate is higher amongst girls; social class and gender affect it. A variety of reasons have been suggested for the difference between male and females in relation to achievement. Sociologists have attempted to explain firstly why females out perform males in most subjects under the age of sixteen and secondly why females are less likely to enter higher education (post 16 education) despite the fact that female school leavers tend to be better qualified than male ones. It has been suggested that females out perform males because of the following facts, educational policies to help girls over the past twenty years has seen attempts to improve the academic performance of girls. Coursework favours girls – course work in many subjects has helped to improve the academic standards of many girls. Girls have higher career aspirations; there is now a greater range of role models in society than in earlier years. In the 1970s Sue Sharpe wrote a book called â€Å"Just like a girl† in which she writes that most women then wanted to get married and have children. They did not see the point in staying on at school. There were very few jobs for women in the earlier years – only office jobs, nursing, teaching etc. However in today's' society womens' attitudes towards education have changed. More girls now want to attend college and university. There are a wider range of careers for women these days – fire fighters, business, design etc. The idea of marriage has become less popular. As there are more job opportunities for girls these days, they need qualifications therefore they need to work harder. There are poorer employment prospects for men in regard to the changes in the traditional male manual work. Male overconfidence in their own abilities causes unrealistic high expectations. Anti-school culture makes boys vulnerable to acting out the ‘men behaving badly' role, which in turn places little emphasis on education. Boys are more likely to not do their homework and go out with their friends, than girls. Boys find it more difficult to stay in and do their work as they might be worried that their friends will think that they are not ‘cool'. Girls tend to be more mature. Male literacy problems- it is a fact that boys read and write less than girls. Boys are more interested in their computer games where as girls are more likely to read books. This will help them with their school work. Labelling- teachers are more likely to label boys negatively and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of educational failure. Teachers more likely to think boys are more disruptive than girls therefore do not give them as much help. Therefore they are more likely to fail the subject. Also the parental expectations of their children differ, boys are expected to be tougher and more boisterous, girls tend to be quieter and neater. They are encouraged to play different games and are given different toys therefore this creates the basis for differences in interests and attitudes. Curriculum differences – there are two levels the ordinary and the hidden curriculum. Although schools have to offer girls and boys equal access to all courses, we can see that differences emerge. In the past girls were less likely to choose science or computer courses, (it has to be noted that this may not always be the case, especially in more modern times) they were more likely to take home economics, modern languages, social studies and secretarial courses, it is quite normal for ‘male' subjects of CDT to be on the timetable at the same time as the domestic science and the office skills subjects, therefore the official curriculum varies by gender. However these days girls cannot drop out of science and maths. They also take more subjects that boys would take and they have to so GCSE coursework. This helps girls because they are better organised. The hidden curriculum; this is the way that certain ideas and values of the teachers, other pupils and the wider society penetrate through the school. This is not part of the official school lessons. In the past some sociologists argued that as a result of attitudes shown by both parents and teachers girls learn to underachieve. By this they mean that sex stereotyping occurred in which teachers (and parents) knew what sorts of jobs girls do, and have been traditionally successful in, and they then gear girls to follow courses which lead to careers in these areas. It has been suggested that the main reason why girls perform differently in the educational system from boys is mainly due to the way society and the media creates ‘gender roles' which stress how males and females ought to behave. Magazines and television advertisements portray male and females in different ways making us feel that we have to act like them. There are clear gender roles expected of girls, e. g. to be feminine, to want to marry and to have children and to follow only a relatively narrow range of occupations in nursing and office work, etc. These views are strengthened by the media, which also portray women as sex symbols, nurses or housewives. Sociologists also found that girls were rarely portrayed as the central character and rarely showed initiative. Boys were far more often shown as the central character and tended to engage in more exciting activities. However girls today want independence, they do not want to be second class citizens. Leisure – When girls have time they like to gossip and have a â€Å"chat. † Therefore girls communicate better. This means that girls have better communication and educational skills than boys. In conclusion it is clear that girls are doing better but it is not the whole story because achievement affected by other factors cannot be ignored. These other factors are class and ethnicity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mandatory Testing

The Best Job It is hard to choose where you want to work when you start applying for Jobs. The first place I started working at was a hospital named Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. After that I moved to another hospital named Alexia Brothers where I worked and remained the rest of the time till I finished high school. I started working in a hospital because my future Job is to be a surgeon. Working in a hospital gave me firsthand experience on being a surgeon.My Job at Alexia Brothers was better than my Job at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital because of the positive atmosphere, their appearance, and the people who worked there. When I worked at Alexia Brothers the atmosphere there was so positive and refreshing. It was so welcoming and family oriented whenever you came there. The appearance of the place was always organized and professional. Even if it was a specific holiday, they would decorate the whole building with that theme.They always kept the whole building clean and up to date daily. The people that worked there with me were so helpful and welcoming. When you come In they make you feel so welcomed, it is like a big family there. Even the customers who came In were really nice and made you feel welcomed as well. Whenever I needed help everyone was there and willing to help with whatever. My boss and employees was Just like family to me. While working at Alexia Brothers I grew a close bond with my employees and joss.Working at Alexia Brothers was such a wonderful, fun filled opportunity for Mandatory Testing By Hale-Beets there with me were so helpful and welcoming. When you come in they make you feel so welcomed, it is like a big family there. Even the customers who came in were really to me.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Public International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Public International law - Essay Example With the approval of the majority of the Assembly, the Council may name additional Members of the League whose Representatives shall always be members of the Council; the Council, with like approval may increase the number of Members of the League to be selected by the Assembly for representation on the Council. Any Member of the League not represented on the Council shall be invited to send a Representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Council during the consideration of matters specially affecting the interests of that Member of the League.Article 5 All matters of procedure at meetings of the Assembly or of the Council, including the appointment of Committees to investigate particular matters, shall be regulated by the Assembly or by the Council and may be decided by a majority of the Members of the League represented at the meeting. Article 6 The permanent Secretariat shall be established at the Seat of the League. The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary General and such secretaries and staff as may be required. Secretary General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the Assembly. The secretaries and staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council. ... Secretary General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the Assembly. The secretaries and staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council. The Secretary General shall act in that capacity at all meetings of the Assembly and of the Council. Article 7 The Seat of the League is established at Geneva, Switzerland. Representatives of the Members of the League and officials of the League when engaged on the business of the League shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. The buildings and other property occupied by the League or its officials or by Representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable. ART 3 to 6 Charter of United Nations on MEMBERSHIP requirements have almost the same requirements. PEACE AND ORDER (Art 8 - 17) Article 8. The Members of the League recognises that the maintenance of peace requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations. The Council, taking account of the geographical situation and circumstances of each State, shall formulate plans for such reduction for the consideration and action of the several Governments. Such plans shall be subject to reconsideration and revision at least every ten years. After these plans shall have been adopted by the several Governments, the limits of armaments therein fixed shall not be exceeded without the concurrence of the Council. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to advise the Council on the execution of the provisions of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, naval and air questions generally. Article 10 The Members of the League

Friday, September 27, 2019

Confucianism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Confucianism - Term Paper Example Confucianism is a corner stone of Chinese life, and has been for thousands of years, yet during the Mao years, there was a stringent purging of this learned man’s teachings. For the people of China, Mao’s ferocious campaign against the teachings of Confucius are bewildering to say the least. However, when one reads the teachings of Confucius, it is not surprising that Mao thought all Confucian scholars were counter revolutionaries. Mao admired the political philosophy of Legalism, expounded by Han Fei, a rival of Confucius. Mao’s derision of the teachings of Confucius was because they clashed with the teachings of Han Fei. An authoritarian government like Mao’s would emphasize the absolute power of the state over its subjects, punishing everyone except for the ruler, and would consider law as a tool to keep its people under control. During the period of the cultural revolution, Mao wanted complete control. Absolutism was the way he saw for China to go forw ard. Mao believed that the government was all powerful and people were there to serve the government. This however was not what Confucius taught. Although Confucius believed that the Government was important, his view was that the government existed for the good of the people. An authoritarian system of governance believes that the system of severe punishments is necessary in order to run the state and avoid chaos, where Confucius believed in benevolence, humanity and tolerance. The political philosophy of Confucius is rooted in his belief that a ruler should learn self-discipline, and should lead by example treating his people with love and concern. â€Å"The relation between superiors and inferiors is like that between the wind and the grass. The grass must bend, when the wind blows across it." (The Analects By Confucius Section 3 Part 12) Confucius believed that what characterized a good ruler was the possession of de or ‘virtue† which was a kind of moral power that attracted followers without the need to resort to force. "He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.†(The Analects By Confucius Section 1 Part 2) These beliefs are totally opposite to what an authoritarian regime believes , hence would not be possible for governments such as Mao’s to adopt. Another dimension of the teachings of Confucius relate to education. He does not believe in intuition and adheres to the principle that the only way to really understand a subject is to study it minutely. He said, "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." (The Analects By Confucius Section 1 Part 2) Confucius also emphasizes the importance of integrity and disparages sycophancy. The Mao years in China, bred a contempt for intellectuals and a dislike for learning. Mao’s Red Guards were ordered to destroy all old habits customs and think ing in society. Hence the wise teachings of Confucius were buried till the time was ripe to resurrect them once again. As China stands at the crossroads today, there is a conscious effort to reverse the effect of Mao’s hatred of intellectuals and his contempt for traditional forms of learning. The sudden turnaround in China’s policy of restoration of Confucian philosophy hint at both domestic as well as international reasons. In its effort to make the nation richer, Chinese people are being encouraged to focus on education. The number of Chinese students enrolled in universities the world over is a telling example of how China is reverting to the teachings of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Venice Biennale 2011 Giardini Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Venice Biennale 2011 Giardini Review - Essay Example The exhibitions themselves are featured at Gardini Park and currently contain thirty national countries; this figure is regularly growing (for instance, 2005 was the first year China was featured). The 2011 Venice Biennale featured selections from numerous countries and genres of cutting-edge art selections. While a comprehensive review of all the countries would be lengthy, it is possible to consider some of the most prominent exhibitions. This essay reviews the Egyptian, German, French, British, Korean, and Japanese pavilions. Egypt While the Egyptian Pavilion is one of the more sporadic of the national pavilions at the 2011 Venice Biennale, it is also one of the more intriguing. The pavilion is noted as being, â€Å"honored to present a project in the name of friend and brother, Ahmed Basiony (1978-2011)† ("Universes in Universe"). Basiony was a professor that was recently killed by a sniper during the Egyptian political upheaval. As such, the works contained at the pavilio n are a broad ranging selection of Basiony’s work. While a number of Basiony’s work is featured, perhaps the most prominent at the exhibition is his project 30 Days of Running in the Space. This exhibition is a highly abstract concept that is very visually appealing. The piece features an enclosed structure that is constructed with plastic sheets. The artist would then wear a sensory-based suit that would calculate levels of sweat he produced while inside of the enclosed structure that would then be transferred to the walls of the structure and produce a varying degree of corresponding colors. Considered alone, one can view a number of transcendental themes about the nature of the human and the universe and the singularity of existence. However, the Egyptian pavilion is noted to occur as an interaction with the other of Basiony’s pieces. In these regards, 30 Days of Running in the Space is juxtaposed against a number of other screens of material. One of the most prominent such juxtapositions are unedited film footage of individuals running during the revolts on the streets of Cairo. Within the context of the pavilion, Basiony’s original 30 Days of Running in the Space piece takes on newfound political connotations. For instance, the different colors produced by the individual running now represent fear and energy and the revolutionary spirit. In addition to these exhibits, a number of Basiony’s short film work is featured. The work was curated by Aida Eltoire and captures the recent tumultuous political and cultural occurrences of the region. German The German Pavilion at the 2011 Venice Biennale was also of the most outstanding of the world participating cultures. Indeed, the country won the festival’s Golden Lion award for Best National Participation ("Christoph schlingensief. german," 2011). Among the exhibits that were featured at the German exhibition include Christoph Schliengensief’s theatrical production s and films. In briefly viewing these works one is struck by their intense power and focus. Curated by Susanne Gaensheimer, the selection of Schliengenseif’s work varies in nature from experimental video work, photographic stills, and abstract art constructions. Among these works include the Fluxus oratorio A Church of Fear vs. the Alien Within; while highly abstract in nature, it’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Organizational communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational communication - Essay Example Talking is a skill which is a physical ability of every human being. However doing that task in an effective manner is termed as â€Å"communication†. Communication is all about sharing one’s ideas, opinions, information and feelings.The work of managers in large organizations is problem solving and decision making. This is a very critical job as it steers the course of the society along with the economic and governmental organizations. It is a two way activity which requires a sender and a receiver. "Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person, information about that person's needs desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes." (National Joint Committee for the Communicative Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities, 1992, p. 2) The work of managers in large organizations is problem solving and decision making. This is a very critical job as it steers the course of the society along with the economic and governmental organization s. The job includes identifying the issue which require attention, setting goals for it, designing a proper course of action, and evaluating and choosing amongst many alternative actions. ... Decision support system is a computerized system used for supporting rather than automating decisions. A decision is ideally choosing between alternatives which have an estimate value. Supporting a decision means helping people working alone or in a group gather intelligence, generate alternatives and make choices. Decision making is applicable to all walks of life, including decisions about what to buy, whom to vote for, or what job to take. The decision making process starts with the collection of information moving on to inference and judgment before finally choosing the right alternative. In order to understand the organization in total, understanding organizational communication is very important. "Organizational communication, broadly speaking, is: people working together to achieve individual or collective goals". Katherine Miller, p.1 The purpose of communication may range from completing a task or mission to creating and maintaining satisfying human relationships. The word transfer means a lot more than the simple process of the conception of an idea by the sender and interpretation of the same by the receiver. It stresses upon the mind of the sender which created the meaning followed by the recreation of it by the receiver. The intent of the communication fails if the interpretation of the senders mind is wrong. Organisational communication can include: Flow of Communication, Induction, Channels, meetings and interviews. Most recently, Organisational communication has advanced from a stage of communication between a sender and a receiver to a study of ways in which communication is not just the means to accomplish certain tasks within the organisational settings but also how the organisation we work for, affects

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Employee Motivation Enhances the Organisational Performance Assignment

How Employee Motivation Enhances the Organisational Performance - Assignment Example The researcher states that one of the earliest studies on employee engagement was the research study footed upon three years of research work by officials at Roebuck and Co & Sears thereby reconstructing the company around its clients. The resulting service which was a profit chain replica was footed upon then freshly developed evaluation mechanisms and found that â€Å"there exists a chain of cause end impact starting from the employee demeanor to the customer demeanor to revenues. As per recent research, a satisfaction of the customers and the resulting financial benefits from recurrence, loyal business emerges from emotional engagement within an employee-customer collaboration. Moreover, businesses that show more emphasis on high-performance and excellence will travel beyond employee engagement to employee entanglement. Entanglement is the critical element that distinct world-class from ordinary performance, offering an organizational capability that makes front-runners among pee rs. General Electric (GE) has posted more than $146,045 m. in 2013 and $146,684 m. in 2012 as revenues, and it is making the substantial investment on the yearly basis in developing its global workforce. It employs about 135,000 persons in the USA and 172,000 persons outside the USA in 2013. GE offers a broad range of career advancement’s chances to its employees, it encourages its employees to acquire through formal learning and development educational courses and offers many means to accomplish a balance between professional and balance objectives. GE offers an environment for their employees to exercise their accountability, integrity, and creativity while developing themselves and their careers. A new employee who joined GE will be given an opportunity to be trained at various divisions to sharpen their experience and skills. Every year, GE earmarks huge sums for imparting training programs, a notable commitment to investing in the educating and motivation of its employee s. Newly recruited managers will have to attend a mixture of classroom seminars and will be provided with work assignments on a rotational basis.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Victorias Secret and Womens Sexuality In-store Essay

Victorias Secret and Womens Sexuality In-store - Essay Example While essentialism states that men and women are inherently different and that women’s different physical form make them suitable for certain functions, constructivism counters this by claiming that sexuality arises out of the beliefs and attitudes governing religion and culture (Houston). Although the biological differences between the genders are present, social constructivism has a great role to play in how women are ‘perceived’ as sex objects as suggested by Victoria’s Secret’s use of space. This perception is reflected in the company’s store design and layout. The design team’s rejection of the conventional candy box color scheme of pink and gold colors was based on the premise that the company’s dominant color (pink) was being overused. The use of the ‘pink’ theme across its store is dominant which reasserts the stereotypical association of this color with women. Nevertheless, the need to tone down the pink col or is apparent by the use of black and cream colors with the use of flashing pink lighting in-store displays. Therefore, the overwhelming use of the pink color has been made subtle by the use of black and cream colors. This is not because the company attempts to divulge from its primary market of women. The color scheme has been altered to include black and cream to make the already pink merchandise â€Å"pop out†. GENDER SOCIALIZATION suggests how humans learn appropriate behavior with respect to their gender (Shaw and Lee). This follows that women are expected to maintain their physical beauty to remain acceptable in society. Women’s worth in society is often reflected in how ‘beautiful’ they are perceived by society, unlike men whose worth does not depend on their beauty (Shaw and Lee). This is often referred to as DOUBLE STANDARDS. This concept has been used by Victoria’s Secret which uses glamorous images of women throughout its store so that w omen feel they will look like those idealized images after wearing those products. A small fraction of women who are physically attractive are used throughout in-store photography which reflects the stereotypical belief that a woman’s worth is through her body and attractiveness. This is linked to the OBJECTIFICATION of women whereby their bodies are considered separate from the context (Shaw and Lee). This, in turn, is closely tied to the fragmentation of women when their bodies are separated from their personalities and are thought to represent the woman. The way in which specific body parts are highlighted in the photography reflects how the woman as a whole is discarded and how women are considered as objects that can be touched, â€Å"ogled† or even bought. The focus on specific parts such as breasts and other genital organs in these ads is reflective of the SURGERIES including VAGINAL SURGERIES that women undergo in the name of beauty. Only younger models are use d in stores which suggest that as women grow old they lose their sexuality and beauty and can, therefore, be discarded.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Advantages of Computer Essay Example for Free

Advantages of Computer Essay Agriculture is a vital sector of Pakistans economy and accounted for almost 30 percent of GDP annually, according to government estimates. The sector directly supports three-quarters of the countrys population, employs half the labor force, and contributes a large share of foreign exchange earnings. The main agricultural products are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits, and vegetables, in addition to milk, beef, mutton, and eggs. Pakistan depends on one of the worlds largest irrigation systems to support production. The following are the main crops cultivated in Pakistan: Wheat: Wheat is a staple food used in manufacture of baked products. It is grown on Barani lands. Wheat is grown in Punjab, Sindh and some parts of K.P.K for cultivation of wheat. The temperature is favorable from October to May for the production of wheat. It does not need a lot of water. Pakistan is not self sufficient in wheat production and has to import wheat from foreign countries. It accounts for over 70% of gross cereals and over 36% of the country’s acreage is devoted to wheat cultivation. Rice: Rice is a Kharif crop and needs a great deal of water and heat. It is known as â€Å"crop of water†. It is grown in Punjab and Sindh. North-eastern Punjab and Larkana district are main rice growing regions. The Irri, Basmati and desi varieties are grown in Pakistan. Basmati is the most famous variety of rice grown in Pakistan. Its highest acreage is in the north eastern part of Pakistan. Pakistan is the world’s fourteenth largest producer of rice. Pakistan produces about 6 million tons of rice a year. Sugar Cane Sugarcane is included in both Rabi and Kharif Crops. It is an important cash crop of Pakistan. It is a type of long grass perennial in nature. It is the most important and cheapest source of refined sugar. Gur,Alcohol and Desi Shakkar are also prepared from Sugar cane.The left out stalk fibers (bagasse) are used in the paper industries. It is cultivated in the spring season and harvested in November-December. It is mostly cultivated in canal irrigated areas of Punjab, KPK and Sindh provinces. Cotton Cotton also known as the Silver Fiber is the most important cash crop of Pakistan. It is known to have been produced in the Indus plain since 3000 BC. Pakistan, ranks fifth in world cotton production and earns a large amount of foreign exchange from its export. It accounts for approximately one half of the all materials that are made into cloth and provides employment to 2/3rd of industrial labour force Cotton is a Kharif crop and is grown in canal irrigated areas of Punjab and Sindh and also in some parts of Baluchistan and KPK.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Theory of Descriptions Essay Example for Free

Theory of Descriptions Essay It is a matter of fact that Russell significantly contributed the development of philosophical thinking by helping to resolve many philosophical problems. Furthermore, he offered theory of descriptions and analyzed logical structure of what people say. Theory of descriptions is the best application of the technique. Theory aims at denoting phrases in ordinary language and thus it has given rise to three sorts of difficulties: Excluded middle. It means that the traditional principle is violated by suggestions such as â€Å"either the present king of France is bald or the present king of France is not bald† Non-existence assertions. They aim at denoting phrases which have referents.Furthermore, they are saying of something, though this something doesn’t exist: â€Å"The golden mountain does not exist† Opaque Contexts. Equivalent expression can be substituted, but substitution doesn’t preserve the truth of the statement: â€Å"Alan believes that Sarahs father is Joys son† Russell emphasized that descriptions are differently signified and they don’t always suggest logically proper names. The referent is denoted directly and thus is carrying existential import, although the description is indirect denotation and has to be regarded differently. Russell suggested that denoting phrases can’t be isolated; otherwise they won’t be understood correctly. Quine eliminated the ontological implications of descritions. For example, he stated that Pegasus wasn’t actual, because it wasn’t spatiotemporal object. He admitted that though Pegasus existed in mythology, in the imagination of every child and in philosophical disputes, it was not actual as it wasn’t found in any zoo. Quine said â€Å"the notion that Pegasus must be, because it would otherwise be nonsense to say even that Pegasus is not, has been seen to lead McX into an elementary confusion†. References Russell: The Theory of Descriptions. Encyclopedia od Philosophy. Retrieved November 7, 2006, from

Friday, September 20, 2019

RGB Components Color Images Encryption in FRT Ranges

RGB Components Color Images Encryption in FRT Ranges RGB Components Color Images Encryption in FRT Ranges Somayeh Komeylian Department of Tel-Communication Engineering, Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran Armin Mehrabian Department of Medical, Mashhad Medical Science University, Mashhad, Iran Saeed Komeylian Factory of graduated students, Department of Tel-Communication Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Latest works are doing on date encryption/color Image in optic range as well as Digital ranges. In this research, color Images encryption has been done by RGB components in FRT ranges for any kind of encryption random phase codes. Moreover, one single-part encryption method has been performed for color twin images. Encrypted twin RGB images by their color map converted to indexed format. One Algorithm used for incorporating two images in order to encrypt in FRT domain. Outlined Algorithm of 15entering parameter involved generally that random phases could be considered as keys for encryption. Unsuitable selection of any keys during encryption will have negative results. Presence of many keys help in building system thats intensely safe against unpermitted accessibility it could be seen that encrypted images were completely safe against unpermitted time accessibility that has false fractional commands in all three channels. Keywords: RGB Components; Color Images; Encryption. By developing Multimedia network, connection and publication techniques, tendency to send and gain Digital Date, especially images, extended a lot. Protecting individual and hiding things for permitted users and ensuring accessibility for legal Data and security considered as the most important subject in connections and image storage. One of the certain ways for immunity is encryption different optic methods recommended well for Digital methods and encrypting images. That consisted of good recognition of (DRPE) Double random phase encryption [1-3]. This method statistically uses Double Random phase in entrance and Fourier phase for input image encryption into a stationary white noise. This method generalization conducted toward fractional Fourier domain and then considerable help has been done by authors and researchers [7, 8]. In addition, many remarkable works are doing on date encryption/color Image in optic range as well as Digital ranges. In the other related works for color Im ages encryption, RGB color Image RGB components in FRT ranges used for any kind of encryption random phase codes and FRT fractional commands as keys [6]. Moreover, one single-part encryption method has been performed for color twin images [5]. Encrypted twin RGB images by their color map converted to indexed format. One Algorithm used for incorporating two images in order to encrypt in FRT domain. Mentioned Method is Single-part and permitted processing in a simple direction [4]. A. Definition of FRT Conventionally, The nth order FRT fn(xn) Of a function f(x) is calculated using integral transform kernel given by follow equation [4]. (1) Where (2) Moreover, X and xn represent the coordinate systems for the input (zero order) domain and the output (nth order) fractional domain respectively. The FRT is linear and has the property that it is index additive: (3) Where a and b are different fractional orders of the FRT. It is possible to extend the definition of the FRT order beyond  ±2 (4) Where m is an integer. B. Concept of Colored Indexed Images Colored image in our context is represented as fn(x. y), where   x and y are spatial coordinates and n denotes the index of primary color components (n=0, 1, 2) f0(x. y), f1(x. y) and f2(x. y) correspond to RGB color components respectively. A colored image con be viewed as a stack as a stack of RGB components forming a m-n-3 array, with each pixel as a triplet corresponding to the values of the primary color components. On the other hand, an indexed image consists of a data matrix and a color map matrix. The color map matrix is an m-3 array of class double containing floating point values in the range [0, 1], where m is a function of the color system and it defines the number of colors it defines. Each row of the color map matrix specifies the red, green, and blue components of a single color. An indexed image uses direct mapping of the pixel intensity values to color map values. The color of each image pixel is determined by using the corresponding value of the data matrix as a pointer into color map. Unlike a colored image (Which is a 3-D matrix), an indexed image is a 2-D array, and simplifies the encryption as the color map is uniquely defined for a given color system. The same can be extracted from the color image and only a 2-D indexed image can be encrypted. Thus the process of encryption and decryption can be carried out in a single channel similar to the gray scale images, and the colored image can be retrieved after adding the color map to the decrypted indexed image [4]. A. Recommended Encryption Algorithm Colored image in our context is represented as follow equation: (5) Where, x and y are spatial coordinates and n denotes the index of primary color components (n=0, 1, 2) f0(x. y), f1(x. y) and f2(x. y) correspond to red, green, and blue color components respectively. Each of these components is segregated and the input RGB image p(x, y), to be encrypted, is converted into its indexed format pi (x, y), by extracting the color map and with each of these components are added. Each of these components encrypted independently using fractional Fourier encryption. The schematic of the proposed encryption technique is shown in Figure (1). The colored image to be encrypted is decomposed in red, green, and blue components and each of these components are combined with indexed image pi (x, y), and each component is multiplied with random phase functions ÃŽ ¦r1(x, y), ÃŽ ¦g1(x, y), and ÃŽ ¦b1(x, y). The random functions used above are statistically independent of each other. The FRT with different fractional orders along each spatial coordinate is performed for all the color components i. e (arx, ary) for red, (agx, agy) for green, and (abx, aby) for blue respectively. The transformed primary color images are then multiplied with three random phase functions ÃŽ ¦r2(u, Ï…), ÃŽ ¦g2(u, Ï…) and ÃŽ ¦b2(u, Ï…) in the fractional domain, where u and Ï… denote the coordinates in the respective fractional domain. Another FRT is performed subsequently on these images independently with different fractional orders along each spatial coordinates i.e. (brx, bry) for red (bgx, bgy) for green and (bbx, bby) for blue, in order to obtain the encrypted images for each of the three color components. In the final step, these three encrypted image are combined to get the colored encrypted image e(x, y). Figure 1: The color image encryption algorithm B. Recommended Decryption Algorithm The decryption process is described in Figure (2). The encrypted image is first decomposed into three primary color components. FRT of fractional orders (-brx, -bry), (-bgx, -bgy) and (-bbx, -bby) are calculated for the red, green, and blue color components, respectively and are subsequently multiplied with random phase functions ÃŽ ¦*r2(u, v), ÃŽ ¦*g2(u, v), and ÃŽ ¦*b2(u, v) in the fractional domain, where * denotes complex conjugate. In the next step, the FRTs of the fractional orders (-arx,-ary) for red, (-agx,-agy) for green- and (-abx,-aby) for blue-color images are calculated. Furthermore, indexed image pi (x, y) is segregated and finally these three components color images are combined to get the decrypted image. Figure 2: The color image decryption algorithm Figure (3a) is the main Image of globe and our main Image that will be encrypted. Figure (3b) is lena picture that would be index image incorporated with the main image. P(x,y) that has been shown in Figure (3b), and index image has been shown in Figure (3c) and finally encrypted image resulted as Figure (3d). Now, in encryption process, we must arrange it like this and see that encrypted image of globe will be as follows after separation. Figure 3: The Result of encryption In the previous part, observed results of encryption and decryption. Outlined Algorithm of 15entering parameter involved generally that random phases could be considered as keys for encryption. Unsuitable selection of any keys during encryption will have negative results. Presence of many keys help in building system thats intensely safe against unpermitted accessibility it could be seen that encrypted images were completely safe against unpermitted time accessibility that has false fractional commands in all three channels. References   P. Refregier, B. Javidi, (1995), Double random Fourier plane encoding, Opt. Lett. 20(1): 767-778. B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan, (2003), Image encryption and the fractional Fourier transform, Optik, 114(2): 6-15. B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan, (2003), Double random fractional Fourier plane encoding, Optik, 114(1): 251-262. M. Joshi, K. Singh, (2007), Color image encryption and decryption for twin images in fractional Fourier domain, Optics Communications, 281(1): 5713-20. M. Joshi, K. Singh, (2007), Color image encryption and decryption using fractional Fourier transform, Optics Communications, 279(1):35-42. Z. Liu, S. Li, (2007), Double image encryption based on iterative fractional Fourier transforms, Optics Communications, 275(1): 324-329. Y. Wang, S. Zhou, (2011), A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Fractional Fourier Transform, IEEE, 978(1): 4244. X. Feng, X. Tian, Sh. Xia, (2011), A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based On Fractional Fourier Transform and Magic Cube Rotation, IEEE, 978(1): 4244-9306

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Physics and Philosophy :: College Admissions Essays

Physics and Philosophy    Physics has always been the science that interests me most. It seems to me that physics tackles fundamental questions about the universe and it feels more relevant than other sciences. I enjoy experimental work in physics but do sometimes feel limited by the resources available at my college. I would like the chance to use more sophisticated equipment to investigate more advanced level physics. Actually doing some of the important experiments of the last century, such as Rutherford's proof for the existence of the proton would add a new level of realism to particle physics. My interest in Philosophy developed through my study of Law at AS-level. I started to take an interest in jurisprudence and read a number of texts on the subject. I found that these contained many terms that I had never really encountered before. This has left me wanting to find out more about philosophy and different ways of thinking.    I have chosen these subjects because I enjoy them and would like to look into them in more depth than I have done in the past. I have chosen Physics and Philosophy because the combination of subjects requires both mathematical and scientific ability but also aptitude in written communication and logic. I would like to leave my options open in terms of possible career and I feel that by developing a number of different skills this will give me the best possible knowledge base.    I would like to use the opportunity of higher education to strengthen my mathematical and science related abilities such as investigation and problem solving. However parallel to this I would also like to further improve skills in areas such as discussion and structured argument. I would also like to develop my written communication skills and I feel that this courses especially the Philosophy aspect would let me advance my writing style.    One of my main interests outside school is computers and the Internet. I have been using the Internet regularly for a number of years for many different purposes including research and communication. I have also developed my own web page and looked at things such as HTML and CGI scripts. My other interests are general socialising and also keeping fit. I am a member of my local gym and also regularly go swimming. I have gained my NPLQ lifeguard qualification and also have recently passed my two star canoe test and hope to progress onto my three star certification.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling :: essays research papers

Only a Surfer Knows the Feeling There is a guy from Hawaii that I know. Every day, he wakes up, straps his surfboards to the racks on top of his car, drives his car from a town called Ewa, across the island of Oahu, to a little beach known as Ala Moana Beach Park. He does all of this even before the sun comes up. He spends a few minutes just looking at the ocean, watching and surveying the waves and how they break. As soon as the sun makes its first peek over the horizon, he grabs a board, waxes it up, and jumps in the water. He then paddles his board through what many people call a journey: two hundred yards of dark cold water, blistering currents, and waves pushing back against each stroke made to push forward. He makes this journey to get to a point right past where all the waves break, to a point called the line-up. It’s here, where he waits for a wave that he catches back towards the shore, only to make the journey back through all the cold harsh currents and waves again. He catches a few waves, and the n catches one all the way back to shore, where he showers, gets dressed and then goes off to work. He has one of the most stressful jobs I can think of. He is a counselor at one of the local shelters for teenage runaways. He deals with teen depression, suicidal tendencies, and coordinates bringing these kids back together with their families. And even though these tasks aren’t what most people would want to have to put up with in their lives, he does it every day. Furthermore, as stressful as his job seems to be, this man is one of the mellowest guys that I know. When asked why he does this morning ritual every day, he said, â€Å"surfing helps keep me focused†. And I believe him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Think about it for a moment, each time a surfer goes to a beach, waxes up his board, and surveys the waves from the shore, he is preparing to go into the water to do something quite amazing. This person is willing to test not only his limits, but also the limits of what the ocean can do to him. He wants to battle the power of the entity that covers over seventy percent of the earth, manifested in the form of a wave, and ride it for all its worth.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Product Level Planning

Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Market analysis 3 SWOT Analysis 4-7 Objectives 7 Marketing Strategy 8 Action Program 9 Financial Projection 10 Feedback & Control 10 Conclusion 11 References 11 Executive Summery Cement Industry is highly important segment of Bangladesh’s Industrial sector & Plays a vital role in socio-economic development.Although cement industry of Bangladesh has witnessed its ups & down in recent past but in last decade it has recovered & now it’s a self-sufficient industry of Bangladesh not only fulfilling domestic needs of Bangladesh also exporting a huge amount of cement to other countries, bringing foreign reserves & help in up lifting Bangladesh’s GDP. Bangladesh is currently operating at their maximum capacity due to the boom in commercial & industrial construction within Bangladesh.In this report I have selected ‘Anchor' cement, Olympic Cement Ltd (OCL) of ‘Khansons Group’ simply called gray cement & we will descr ibe how they do product planning for that? Khansons Group has extended its industrial arena by putting-up a clinker grinding cement plant named as ‘Olympic Cement Ltd'. The plant is located at Rupatoli, Barisal all in a row along with its textile industries. The finished product (cement) has been branded as ‘Anchor' & the same has become popular in the local market. This cement project commenced its initial production at 800 tpd and gradually increased the production to the level of 1,600 tpd.Olympic Cement Ltd (OCL) is one & only cement factory which has targeted to meet the entire demand of cement in Southern Bengal. As a result, OCL has concentrated its sales on a soaring trend by increasing production volume. OCL is maintaining the reputation of its quality product and aiming at the extended project in days to come. Current Market Situation Overall Market Situation Bangladesh cement industry is the 40th largest market in the world. There are 70+ cement factories in B angladesh and daily production capacity is 16. 687 Million MT.In January 2012, Bangladesh’s Export Promotion Bureau released data confirming that cement exports had witnessed a 21% increase in the first seven months of the current fiscal year (July 2011 – January 2012). The boost in the cement sector is because of the rising construction activity in the country & increasing development expenditure by the govt. Due to this the sales of cement sector will also rise every year. Product Situation Since Cement is a specialized product, requiring sophisticated infrastructure & production location, so, Most of the cement industries in Bangladesh are located near/within a river side that are rich in clay.Iron & mineral capacity so ‘Anchor’ cement is situated near to the bank of river ‘Kirton Khola’. Anchor cement installed capacity is 1,600 tpd at present with the turnover of 50 crore in a year. Competitive Situation: In competitive situation we will describe all the competitors of Anchor Cement producing gray cement. There are 70 + firms in the market along with Anchor Cement. All these companies are using different marketing tactics to grape as much market share as possible but they are acting like a cartel under the tree of APCMA.They are producing same quality of cement with all most same price and features that’s why competition in the market is very tough for local as well as foreign market. All are using same bulk & penetration strategies to cover major portion of the market. Some are using cost leadership strategy but due to cartel act behavior they are not getting the target results that they want to achieve. Currently Crown cement is the market leader while Anchor cement is a niche in the national market but it is the leader in the local market of Barisal & southern part of Bangladesh. Distribution Situation:Anchor Cement Company uses different channels of distributions to transfer the gray cement from company t o the different part of Bangladesh. †¢ACC > Whole Sellers > Retailor> Customer †¢ACC > Retailors> Customer †¢ACC > Customer †¢ACC > Regional Offices > w/s Retailors Macro-Environmental Situation Macro environmental factors directly or indirectly effect the production of the company & its market. Macro- Environmental factors are the factors that are not in the control of the company. These factors are†¦.. 1. Political 2. Law & order situation 3. Cultural values 4. Technological change . Demographic trends 6. Economic Condition 7. Inflation Opportunity & Issue Analysis After completing the market analysis now we will do analysis of opportunities & issues for the ACC. Opportunity is a chance of progress or advancement that is available in the market & the company has to avail it for the progress and profitability while issues are the weakness or threat for the company to avoid or settled down. For this purpose we have to do SWOT analysis of ACC. Strength of ACC Strengths are the internal positive factors of advantage that a company possesses. Following is the strength of ACC. Installed Capacity: Installed capacity of company is 16. 687 Million MT daily & they are producing 6007. 32 MT per annum so they can exceed the production easily by proper implementing their marketing mix strategies & it will directly increase profits of the company. oRaw Material: Anchor Cement Company is situated near the bank of the river kirtonkhola. So they can easily avail the huge reserve of raw materials with a very low cost as compare to other competitors’ as their cost of material is high. oHigh Quality of ACC: Quality of ACC is much better than the standard set by Bangladesh & importers.Quality of production is better than most of the competitors in the market. oCheap Labor: They are using cheap labor market of Bangladesh which is strength of them & due to this their price is low as compare to other compotators. oGood Govt. Policies: Local & federal govts. Policies are supportive & favorable to the cement sector. They are getting many benefits in term of electricity etc from BD govt. So over all ACC is enjoying good environment created by Government. Weakness of ACC Weaknesses are the internal negative factors of a company that should be avoided or to be controlled.Following are the negative factors of ACC. oNot Utilization of Full Capacity: ACC is not utilizing its full capacity of production of gray cement. They can produce more per annum so not utilizing their full capacity is also their disadvantage which they should convert it into opportunity. oFuel & Electricity Charges: ACC cost comprises more than 50% costs of fuel & electricity. So they should minimize these expenses as much as they can. It can really help them in uplifting their market share & growth & profit as well. They can convert their system or can generate their own electricity by investing in this sector. Management: ACC major boards of directors are from th e same family which is also a negative factor of them. So they should introduce competent personnel’s in the company for the growth. oFreight Charges: Freight or transportation charges to other parts of the country are also a problem for them which should be settled down as soon as possible. They should minimize their expenses to avail greater markets present in other parts of Bangladesh. Opportunities for ACC Opportunities are chances for progress or advancement that is available in the market and the company has to avail it for the progress and profitability.These are positive external factors. Following are the opportunities available for ACC. oGovernment Development Expenditure: Govt: is spending huge amount on development projects like roads, schools, hospitals, dams & infrastructure etc. ACC can avail these opportunities by responding on time to these projects. oConstruction of Big projects: Recently there are many big projects are going on Bangladesh like construction of Jamuna future park, many high rise buildings etc, also in nationwide & in Barisal.ACC should explore all these opportunities to increase its market share. oDemand of Bangladeshi Cement: Recently Bangladeshi cement demand is increasing day by day in foreign markets so ACC can improve its foreign market share. This will be very favorable & profitable for them. Threats for ACC Threats are the negative factors that are available in the external environments. These are unhidden threats that are waiting for & company should be ready or prepared to tickle down all these threats for their existence & survival. Following are the threats available for ACC. High Energy Prices: Energy prices are constantly increasing in Bangladesh & worldwide which is directly affecting the profitability of ACC because major portion of cost consists of fuel & energy expenses so they should find out alternative source of energy to minimize the cost of goods. oHigh level of Taxes & Custom duty: High level of c ost & custom duty are affecting its profitability. So govt. should take constructive steps for the development of the industries. oCompetitors: There are 70+ firms in cement industry which make the competition very tough.Each firm is striving to get as much share as they can and they are using different tactics to excel their sales. So, ACC should take proper steps for its growth while taking into consideration all the Competitors. oPolitical Instability: It is also a main threat for ACC because it brings changes in laws & regulation accordingly. Objectives After analyzing all the factors now we will set the objectives or targets we can say, for ACC that is going to be achieved in the next financial year of the company. Our objectives should be ? Specific ?Measurable ?Achievable ?Realistic ?Time bound There are 2 kinds of objectives which are: Financial Objectives †¢Marketing Objectives Financial Objectives: Financial objectives are related with the financial performance of the company or simply objectives that relate to finance. Following are the financial objectives that we can set for ACC for 2013. ?Profit after taxes should be 60 crore ?Cash flow should be 10% high Marketing Objectives Financial objectives should be convertible to marketing objectives. Marketing objectives are related to market or overall industry. Following are the marketing objectives of ACC. Sales should be 50% high Exports should be 40% Average price should be up to 450 pgSales of 5,00,000 tons should be achieved in 2013 Expand the number of dealers Market share should be up to 5% Marketing Strategies Strategies are the game plan or road map to achieve the objectives set by the company by utilizing its resources. Following are the marketing strategies that should be used: oNew Markets New markets in outside & inside of the country should be achieved. oDistribution outlets Distribution outlets or big distributors must be located in all the targeted markets. oAdvertisement 2% budget should be allocated for advertisement campaign on bill boards & certain media channel. Low pricing strategy Low pricing strategy should be adopted as compared to competitors. oAlliance Alliances should be made with distributors & realtors in important markets & preference should be given to them. oSales force Sale force or sales agents should also be hired in remote areas with 5-8% commission. oMarket Research 10% Budget should be allocated to market research to know competitors, customer behavior & new markets. oLower cost of goods strategy Cost of the cement should be low down to earn maximum profit Action Programs Marketing strategies should be supported with action programs or day to day plans.Each strategy should be broken down in to small programs or action that can easily be implemented. It tells us that which marketing strategy is to be completed by whom, when how & what will be the cost of that? ?Sales department have to do 25 crore sales after every 4 months. ?Production department have to produce 0. 25 million tons after every 4 months. ?Purchase department should purchase furnace oil & raw materials 5% less as compared to previous year. ?Management should reduce unproductive expenses @10% as compared to last year. ?Other incomes should be increased up to 10 crore as compared to last year. Marketing department should achieve their target within given budget on the basis of six months. Financial Projections †¢Following are the overall projection for year 2013. In millionsIncrease Sales500060% Cgs (Cost of goods sold)(3200)36% Gross Profit120080% Other Expenses18010% Other Income2040% Profit Before Taxes800 Taxes200 Net Profit60020% Feedback & Control In the last stage of product level planning we will consider does the company actually achieved its objectives or not. In this step we will compare the actual results with the standards set out there in the planning stage.According to the above results & figures ACC has achieved all the targets & g oals efficiently & effectively. They have properly implemented the planning as compared to previous year so they have achieved the level of performance what they want. Even more fruitful results have been achieved. Usually, Anchor Cement Company carries out three types of controlling strategies which are as under.. oAnnual Plan Control ACC usually do audit or check up at the end of year that whether that have achived their annual goals/objectives or not regarding sales, profits, market share & growth etc.They want to know the gap between actual & standard, if found any & then will fix it down in the upcoming period. If they have performed much better then they watch out the reasons behind that to implement forever in the organization. oAudit Control Internal Audit is carried out by the internal auditors. External Audit is carried out by external auditors. oStrategic Control Strategic Control is the step of the last section. In strategic control usually they evaluate whether the Anch or Cement Company marketing strategy is appropriate to the market condition or not.If not they do Changes in it to make implementable in the market. They change their strategy according to the market situation that changes so rapidly. Conclusion From the above analysis we can easily conclude that how a company usually does their product or marketing planning. I pick Anchor Cement Company collect data from different sources (mainly from web) & then make the palling for them accordingly. All the above discussion gives us a bird’s eye view regarding a good product planning that a marketer can do. References http://www. khansonsgroup. com www. scribd. com Marketing Management- Philip Kotler, 11th edition

Monday, September 16, 2019

Prewriting: Attitudes Toward Women Essay

1. INTRODUCTION a. Thesis Statement: With different motivations, but similar intentions the word choices and poetic rhetorical devices of the speakers reveal their attitudes toward women. Using persuasive techniques and extensive figurative language to compare and contrast Browning’s, â€Å"My Last Duchess,† and Marvell’s, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress,† it becomes clear that the main goal of the characters in these poems is their need to be the dominant force over the opposite sex. 2. Attitudes Towards Women Demonstrated in Poetry a. Illustrate how the speakers in each of the poems are trying to persuade women i. In the Duke’s case, it’s the envoy and in the speaker’s case, the woman. b. Both the characters aims are the same, but their motivations are different i. The speaker in â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† seems like a respectful man, who is articulate, this is important because it is his main strength which he uses to lure her to him. ii. The use of time to symbolize sex=self (To His Coy Mistress) †¢ The speaker of the poem is infatuated with a woman who won’t give him the time of day. The speaker chases the woman and he proposes that time is flying by and they should grab it and run as fast as they can. â€Å"Had we but world enough and time, /this coyness, lady, were no crime.† iii. The Duke in â€Å"My Last Duchess† is an arrogant, disrespectful man, who cares more about status and wealth then love. 3. Women are presented as objects of beauty and pleasur e a. Describe the tone and figurative language—imagery, simile, hyperbole, etc.—used to present woman as objects rather than their importance as human beings i. Elaborate on men only appreciating women for their physical appearance and ability to please their partner †¢ In ‘To His coy Mistress’, the woman is portrayed as beautiful, â€Å"The youthful hue sits on the skin like morning dew.† Here, the speaker praises the fair complexion of the woman through the use of simile. †¢ Similarly, in ‘My Last Duchess’, the Duke makes comments regarding his ex-duchess being captivating and alluring. â€Å"That’s my last duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive. I call that a piece a wonder†. Here the Duke tries to impress the envoy with his ex-Duchess’s beauty as he stops to admire the painting of her. 4. The value of love versus total disregard for the role of women in society a. Compare and contrast the reasons each poem portrays both of these ideas b. To His Coy Mistress=values woman and the love they give i. Based on the speakers urge, or motives, for a sexual relationship with the lady ii. Describe the speakers polite techniques to praise and persuade, and how they develop into impatience and desperateness c. My Last Duchess=humiliates the role of women in society i. Show how women are viewed/treated as inferior and easily manipulated ii. Confirm the fact that because the Duchess did not depend on the Duke completely, she terrorized him. iii. Analyze the death— the speaker refers to the portrait of the wife he murdered as â€Å"My last duchess.† It hints that she was not his only duchess and that he might have had several wives before this â€Å"last† or â€Å"latest† one. 5. Mans obsession with domination over woman (need for submissiveness) a. The men in both poems want to feel like they are ranked higher than the women. They want to feel powerful and be controlling, aiming only to please and seek pleasure for themselves. 6. Mans insecurity in the absence of women dependence a. Answer the question: are men weakened by their dependency on the power they have over women? i. In To His Coy Mistress, although the speaker appears thoughtful and genuine, he is preoccupied with pursing an attractive and captivating young woman in all hopes of making love with her. No strings attached. ii. In My Last Duchess, When the Duke had the Duchess killed; it was a threat to all women. The Duke had the Duchess murdered because she did not worship her husband.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Police Organization Essay

History of Police September 05, 2013 Throughout this essay the writer will be discussing the history of the police. Describing the impact that a gentleman named Sir Robert Peel had on American policing. A look at the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. Lastly how these relationships may affect police practices today. As we begin lets first get an understanding for what a police organization is defined as. â€Å"The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. â€Å" (â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009) A police organizations role is usually defined as an agency within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility using a legitimized use of force. Policing can be traced all the way back to ancient china. In didn’t start becoming more popular in the U.S until the late 18th century where the rich to protect property used it. As soc ieties developed policing began to transform into a group of appointed men to safe haven or monitor set areas such as towns or cities. Eventually it became the full fledge state and city appointed agencies that we know today. In 1829, a gentleman by the name of Sir Robert Peel established the Metropolitan Police Force for London based Scotland Yard. Doing this crowned him the father of modern policing. At first his theory and implementation of a police force was not accepted amongst London’s society. As time progressed and crime rates began to lower do to the police presence more and more cities across the UK began establishing their own police agencies. Sir Robert also developed what is called Peelian Principles which defined the ethical requirements of a police officer in order for them to be successful. These principles outlined that, â€Å"1. Every police officer should be issued and identification number, to assure accountability for his actions. 2. Police are effective not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime. 3.Effective authority figure knows trust and accountability are paramount.† (â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006) When it comes to the U.S. government and the policing organizations their relationships often intertwine but can cause conflict as well. The police have a se t of laws, guidelines, and jurisdictions that they  must abide by. Based on city and state these roles may vary. U.S. government organizations or federal law enforcement agencies have a completely separate role that they play. The conflict can occur when jurisdictions and different criminal cases my cause confusion on which level of organization should be the ones handling it. Often times cases are help at the local police level until it reaches a certain degree at which point federal law enforcement steps in. As well U.S. constitution and political policies often impact police organizations. This relationship can almost be described as a love and hate relationship. In one case the U.S Government is making choices that it believes will be the best interest of the society. While on the other hand the police who have feet on the ground and actually see what is going on in society can beg to differ in regards to U.S. policy. At the end of the day thought it’s the police organization that must adapt and be mindful of every changing policies and procedures set in place by politicians. Throughout this paper the writer briefly covered the history of policing. We looked at some of the influences that starte d and paved the path for police organizations today. The impact Sir Robert Peel played. The role between the U.S. government and police organizations. Lastly how these roles may impact each other. The police at the city level are just one small element of vast security forces in the United States. Briefly looking at the just the roles the police play in the United States and not the various police forces and practices throughout the world. After the events of September, 11 the U.S. has sense stood up many various forms of Homeland Security and police type forces to help protect the United States. References 1. â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009 2. â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006 Week 1 Individual Paper # 1 Content and Organization 70 Percent| Percent Earned: 7/7| Comments:| All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. * Paper is 700- 1050 words in length. * Paper defines issues that show the authors understanding of the concepts. * Paper follows the theme of the  topic of the perception of Organized Crime. | | Minimum word count is met; the papers word total is 687 words.Your paper defines the contribution made by the people before an established law enforcement body and the contributions by Sir Robert Peel. Author’s current position and recommendations are described in detail. Points are supported with referenced citations. Your paper pointed out the importance of the main ideas and the key points that were established. You went down the line and answered each element. | The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.| | | The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.| | | The paper links theory to relevant examples of Organized Crime and the vocabulary of the issue correctly.| | | Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. Target points to be discussed. * Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. * Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. * Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.| | | Organization / Development 15 Percent| Percent Earned 1.5/1.5| Comments: | Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.| | You have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion present.Overall, paper is clear and easy to follow. The tone of the essay is appropriate for formal academic writing.Introduction establishes author’s position and introduces issues that are important and need to be planned for in a critical incident. | The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. | | | Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.| | | Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.| | | The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.| | | The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.| | | Mechanics 15 Percent| Percent Earned .9/1.5| Comments: | The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow APA guidelines for format.| | Your Title Page meets the APA requirements.Citations did not meet APA format. (-.3) No grammar errors. Your reference page was not in APA format. (-.3) No spelling errors. | Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. | | | The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.| | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.| | | Spelling is correct.| | | Total 94 Percent| Points Earned 9.4/10| Comments:|

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Books Are Best Friends Essay

Introduction: Book is our real and best friend. It gives us knowledge and pleasure. It is the main element of education. Our worldly friend may give us but book never gives us. Kinds: There are different kinds and different sizes of books in the world. They are the books of story, books of drama, books of poem, books of novel, books of fashion and design, books of religion, books of cooking, books of entertainment, books of accounting, books of philosophy, books of science and technology, books of computer and books of Bengali and English literature etc. Some books are published in printing paper and some books are published in internet. Books that can be read in internet is called e-book. Today it is very popular. Thousands of people acquire knowledge of different branches from e-book. Importance: The importance of book beggars description. Book is our great adviser. Because, when we face any trouble, book stands by us to help us. A person never feels alone in the company of books. It spreads us knowledge. It develops our mind and awakens our conscience. We become nomad without the touch of book. It is a store house of knowledge. It is actually a wonderful gift to human. In a word, it helps us in many ways. It guides us when we become confused. It helps us in decision making. When we remain lonely, it educates, entertains and serves us like a great companion. When we are in sorrow, book consoles us. It helps us in the spread of our progressive views. It broadens our outlook and widens our interest. It enriches the human thoughts. We can know about the life and activity of the famous person through books. We become inspired to be famous in life reading books. Book helps us to remove illiteracy and poverty. It removes the darkness of ignorance. It removes or sufferings. A good book sharpens our intellect. It bring light among the people and make them fond of knowledge. We can know the unknown through reading books. We can know about the remote place of the world through books. We can know the lifestyle and culture of different countries of the world through reading books. Inspiration: Book is not only a great source of knowledge and entertainment but also it inspires us to do good for the betterment of the society as well as for the country. We intend to do better something reading the biographies of great men of the world. It is one of the great sources of knowing the noble deeds of the great people of the world. Conclusion: In the end, it can be said that we become nomad if we do not read book. It is our best friend and teacher. It gives us complete life. It gives us comfort in life. It removes our loneliness. We should always read book.

Categorisation in Long-Term Memory Essay Example for Free

Categorisation in Long-Term Memory Essay The method used was a field experiment as it took part in a classroom. This method was chosen because the independent variable can be manipulated to find the effect on the dependent variable, which can draw conclusions about cause and effect. Doing this allows reasonable control of extraneous variables and where the experimenter has a significant amount of control. An independent groups design was most appropriate because it prevents order effects and demand characteristics to a certain extent. There will be two groups, a control group who will be shown a random list of words and an experiment group who will receive a categorised list. This enables me to compare the number of words each group can recall and therefore claim the cause and effect. Independent variable Whether participants are presented with an organised list of words or not. Dependant variable Memory as measured by the number of words the participant recall from the list of words. Participants It was an opportunity sample of International school students from 13 to 14 years old. 10 participants were allocated into each condition randomly (condition 1: control group who received a random list of words, condition 2: experiment group with an organised list of categorised words). Each condition had 5 females and 5 males. Anyone that was available was asked if they would take part in the experiment. None of the participants dropped out and only 2 students refused to take part, because they were not ‘free’ at that moment. This sampling method was chosen because it was quick and convenient. By using independent designs, some extraneous variables were controlled. Order effects were prevented since different participants were allocated in different conditions. Having clear and concise standardised instructions reduced confusion. The procedures were standardised to reduce any experimenter effects. The room was kept in a constant temperature to reduce it from possibly affecting participant’s memory. Students were ranged from 13-14 years old. Other noise from outside the room may have distorted the results and therefore all windows and doors were closed so that as little noise as possible was allowed into the room. The group of participants who received the organised lists of words recalled more words than the participants with the randomly categorised list. It was distinctive from the graph that people given categorised words recalled more words than people who received a random list. The results support my hypothesis of better recall from students if words were categorised. The relationship between the independent and dependant variable was if the words were categorised, the higher the recall. Discussion Validity Validity is if the measuring apparatus measures what it’s meant to measure. By looking at the number of words remembered, it’s an indicator of memory as it is clear that the more words you recall the more words were remembered, this is called face validity and its purpose is to see if the experiment is testing what it’s supposed to measure. I chose 3 categories of words to use in my experiment and I think that they were the correct categories to use as they were all only 1 syllable and are generally used in everyday life. This is related to construct validity which is whether the method can be used to support the variable that is being measured. (If the experiment was replicated, we would see similar results) I think that I chose the words that best measure organisation and that my test was valid. Ecological validity is if the experiment measures a naturally occurring behaviour. This was a field experiment which has good ecological validity but it’s not usual for someone to be taken into a room and to participate in a test on a daily life setting. The participants were aware they were taking part in a psychology experiment so the results could have been affected by demand characteristics. Suggestions for improving validity Participants were aware they were talking part in a psychology experiment which could have created demand characteristics and possible experimenter bias. To obtain a higher ecological validity I could have applied my study to school/everyday life. For example, asking participants to recall a list of ingredients that they had used to bake a cake. This could prevent demand characteristics and experimenter bias as participants might not be aware this that it is a psychology experiment and could possibly make my results more valid. Doing this however, would make it harder to control any extraneous variables and the study would be more difficult to replicate and standardise. Reliability Reliability is whether the measuring method can measure consistently. If the experiment was repeated, similar results would appear. I have increased reliability using the same words in both lists. Two different lists of words decreases reliability as some words are easier to remember than others. Therefore using the same words will reduce this effect. In the list of organised words it was obvious that the experiment was testing memory which led to demand characteristics. The experiment were standardised which meant it’s easy to replicate. However, because participants were already told that they were taking part in a psychology experiment on memory, they knew what the experiment was about and could try harder to perform better on the test (demand characteristics). Improving reliability If I were to choose a different sampling method results would be much more representative, because my sample was an opportunity sample with only people who were ‘free’ at that moment. I could have chosen a random sample to increase reliability since there are different levels of cognitive abilities in students and not only people who were ‘free’. This method could be done by picking 10 males and females randomly (picking out names from hat) from each year group. This means a total of 70 subjects would be used instead of just 20 and doing this would give me more reliable results and a much more representative sample of school students. Also, to reduce demand characteristics the purpose of the experiment shouldn’t have been told to the participants until after the experiment, which is called debriefing. Implications of study Bousfield found that we have semantic organisation in our long-term memory. Bower et al found that organising words into a categorised hierarchy would help to improve recall. In this study I found that participants recalled more words when the words on this list were organised. This means that the findings of my experiment support both Bower’s and Bousfield’s findings. This implies that there is in fact a short and long-term memory and that there is some kind of semantic organisation of the information in the long-term memory which can improve people’s re-call. Generalisation of findings Target population is the age and group of people an experimenter plans to generalise their findings on. In my experiment the target population was Island School students between the ages 13-14 years old. This was hard to generalise due to the sampling method. The method was biased because only students who were available and around at that time were asked to participate. This could be improved if a larger sample of students were used and not only people who were ‘free’ to participate. My experiment only involved 20 people, which was too little to generalise a school of 1500 students. It was hard to generalise beyond the target population, as there are individual differences, psychological differences and cultural differences between much of the population. In addition my sample was too small to generalise beyond target population. Applications of everyday life It was found that an organised list of categorized words would be more efficient to remember than a randomly placed list of words. This can be applied to everyday life, for example when teachers teach children they have to teach in a systematical order so it is easier to recall the majority of information. As for a high school there is a syllabus which is organized by categorising the same type of information together. This is the most efficient way for remembering information and recalling it for exams. Categorisation in Long-Term Memory. (2017, Sep 17).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Implementation of human resources strategies in the chosen Essay

Implementation of human resources strategies in the chosen organization - Essay Example 2.0 SHRM Practice 1 (Training and Development) Introduction and Importance. The first step of any organization after recruiting any employee is focussing upon the aspect of training and development (T&D). In this regard, training is often viewed to be an educational process which provides better understanding to the employees regarding entire work procedure, reinforcing existing knowledge along with skills, new work or operational process and ideas among others. On the other hand, development is often viewed to be the process through which an organization tries to make the employees more efficient towards facing critical challenges and perform significant responsibilities. It is a process which concentrates or focuses on developing the broader skills of the personnel that are applicable to a wider variety of situations like creative thinking, judgment making and managing workforce among others. In short, it can be affirmed that training is generally related to a particular subject ma tter, whereas, development deals with a wide variety of subjects. The importance of T&D is quite vital for any organization as it supports the organisations towards enhancing organisational effectiveness along with raising overall productivity. It is worth mentioning that the main purpose behind conducting along with implementing the aspect of T&D is to develop the skills of the employees resulting in developing their operational performance at large (Salvi, n.d.). 2.1 Critically Explain and Elaborate In Terms Of Stages and Steps, How It Can Be Implemented In the Chosen Company. The stages or steps relating to training and development have been portrayed hereunder. The Mission Statement: It... From the overall analysis, it can be affirmed that in order to maintain an effective flow in the organisational process, it is quite vital for Nokia to incorporate as well as to execute different vital SHRM practices. These practices might encompass performance management, compensation and training along with development among others. It is worth mentioning that different important HR related aspects like analysis along with the design of work force, planning, recruiting, and employee relation plays a decisive part in supporting organisations towards accomplishing its expected business targets. Thus, it can be concluded that the above-discussed SHRM practices would eventually support Nokia towards developing its progress in the next five years in terms of enhancing their entire business performance and raising productivity by a greater level.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Improvements for Aaron's Situation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Improvements for Aaron's Situation - Case Study Example This ability will allow him to integrate more and more with other children as he progresses. In addition, Aaron has high awareness of his surroundings and is able to adapt quickly and manipulate the environment around him. Finally, Aaron’s IQ level is above average, which shows that his ability to learn and comprehend is strong. Used in conjunction with his communication skills and ability to adapt to the environment around him, Aaron could step to the forefront of his class as a leader both academically and socially if he were able to overcome his personal auctions. Some of the challenging behaviors that present obstacles for Aaron’s progress are the fact that he vandalizes property, runs away from home and school, and exhibits violence at school. Aaron’s tendency to vandalize property may be an attempt to control his surroundings, responding to negativity by breaking something to alleviate rage and make a point. His unannounced attempts to leave home and school show that these places cause stress for him and running away is one of his coping mechanisms. Finally, Aaron’s tendency to demonstrate violence at school shows his lack of respect for personal boundaries and his attempts to defend himself against his insecurities by resorting to violence. All of these behaviors are challenging for authority figures because they present obstacles for Aaron’s education and the education of those around him. These behaviors also compromise the safety of Aaron and those he comes in contact with. Some of the causes that may have contributed to Aaron’s negative behavior is the instability he has experienced at home and school. The imprisonment of his father has left him without a father figure to look up to and provide guidance. This also left a sense of structure and discipline out of Aaron’s life.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kant - Essay Example In addition, these laws are not only made by these beings, but these beings are also subject to the laws, which have been made. Every rational or human nature is based on the autonomy of the beings, which is practiced by them. The categorical imperative is at the center of the philosophical concept as espoused in the moral philosophy of Kant and it may be used as a way of determining the motivations that bring about the actions of human beings. Kant's view is that all human beings occupy an unusual place in the creation, and this makes them immensely rational creatures that were given the ultimate commandment of reason. Therefore, it is from this command of reason that all the duties and obligations that are observed by rational creatures are derived (McKinnon 844). Moreover, Kant defined an imperative as any suggestion that stated a certain activity or inactivity taken by a rational being to be necessary. A categorical imperative shows an implicit requirement, which is independent; that it affirms its authority in all situations that are required and justified as ends in themselves. In addition, Kant in his work expressed the extreme dissatisfaction he felt with the moral philosophy that was extremely popular in his time believing that this philosophy would never be able to surpass the level of hypothetical imperatives. A utilitarian in Kant's time would have said that the murder was wrong because of the fact that it did not make best use of the good in those people who were involved but that this was inappropriate for those people who were anxious with the maximization of the optimistic outcomes, which would come for themselves. Because of this, Kant argued that the morals systems that were based on the hypothetical could not persuade moral actions, or be regarded as the basis of moral arguments against others, this is because their imperatives were largely based on the subjective. Therefore, as an alternative Kant conferred an option in a moralistic system t hat was based on the categorical imperative (O'Hagan 525). Kant like the utilitarians based his moral theory on the intrinsic value but this is the only similarities between these moral values. This is where utilitarianism takes happiness to be conceived as pleasure and the absence of pain to be an intrinsic value, moreover, Kant states that one's thinking that they have moral worth for its own sake is enough to be considered one’s good will. In addition, he conceives people to be autonomous moral agents who have moral worth that is intrinsic and it is this, more than anything that makes them deserve moral respect. This hypothesis of Kant is sometimes thought of as the respect of person’s theory of morality (Mina 24). According to Kant, some objections to the moral theory have been there because of the fact that it is not always in the best interests of somebody to tell the truth. Sometimes, the truth is not always, what is needed and instead it can be extremely detrim ental to a person or those who are around him. For example, it would not be a person's best interests to tell a killer where his best friend is if this killer intends to kill his friend. Instead, this person has to lie to the killer to ensure that the life of his best friend is saved and in the process, the moral theory as stated by Kant ceases to function. Kant's moral theory is exceedingly limited to the telling of the truth, and it does not include those circumstances when the truth may not necessarily be a marvelous thing in the end. Still, the belief that one is

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Impact of climate change in Arctic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Impact of climate change in Arctic - Essay Example The rapid diminishing of sea ice in prolonged summertime is also expected to open up the Arctic for ships and other sea vessels. It is against this backdrop that this paper analyzes how these prospects will impact on the geopolitics of territorial claim that may emanate from these discoveries. According to the National Research Council, climate change poses profound impacts on natural and human systems on the globe. Impacts of climate change are creating concerns for multilateral and bilateral relations, as well as, human, national and international security (56). Changes in sea level, temperature, precipitation patterns and in other elements of the ecosystem adds additional stress to food security, energy, water and other natural resources that support livelihoods (7). In terms of security, climate change poses direct impacts on military operations and regional strategic priorities (8). Therefore, climate change potentially disrupts international relations by posing negative impacts on specific resources and assets (9). The implications of climate change on international relations have begun manifesting in the Arctic region. Based on projections from the National Research Council, warming in the Arctic region has accelerated in intensity than in any other region on the planet (8). In the same vein, Lemke and Jacobi have projected that warming in the Arctic is double the global average since 1980 (7). Regions in the Arctic are already experiencing the effects of this intensified warming. For instance, warming has disrupted the livelihoods of many communities residing in the Arctic, with entire villages at verge of relocation (National Research Council 10). The freezing and subsequent thawing of ice in the Arctic is disrupting infrastructural developments and transportation systems in the region. Additionally, evidence has shown that freezing and thawing of ice has changed the range, diversity and distribution of vegetation and animal species (Turner and Marshal 8). What is worrying many scientists at the moment is the fact that warming and climate change-related impacts in the Arctic are occurring more profoundly and rapidly than had been predicted. For instance, sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and in connecting seas has diminished by more than 30% since 1979 (Turner and Marshal 9). Previous study models had indicated that the summer of 2100 will render the Arctic ice-free. However, recent models have predicted that this will happen as early as 2035 (National research Council 12). The rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic has amplified human activities within the region. Furthermore, this loss has generated a lot of interest in and unease about the future of this region. Mounting interest in the Arctic region has been influenced by the perceived benefits that will follow the diminishment of sea ice (Takana 99). Implications of Climate Change in the Arctic Warming, melting, thawing and subsequent diminishment of sea ice in the Arctic has enhance d human accessibility to the region (Kraska 45). For instance, this diminishment could see an increase in commercial ships navigating the two trans-Arctic seaways; the Northwest Passage and the Northern Sea Route (Zellen 5). Accordingly, states have begun updating international guidelines that currently govern ships and other sea vessels navigating the Arctic waters (Kraska 46). Increases have

Monday, September 9, 2019

What inferences can you draw from this passage What are the Assignment - 1

What inferences can you draw from this passage What are the implications - Assignment Example Job-fit refers to degree of which a particular applicant possesses knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the job he/she has applied for. For example an organization has a vacant position of marketing manager and the organization wants the applicant to have an aggressive approach towards work and the organization expects the incumbent to control his emotions while making any decisions. While hiring the marketing manager, the organization can carry out the Big Five Personality Test. This will help in shortlisting candidates who score high on the trait of conscientiousness and are highly emotionally stable. The organization can select one of the candidates from the shortlisted ones in compliance with the required traits. This will help in ensuring that the marketing manager is ready to work all the time and is ready to accept new challenges and does not make decisions based on emotions and rather make rational

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Psycolinguistics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psycolinguistics - Research Proposal Example The psychological factors include the child’s family setting, stress, abuse, neglect, separation from loved ones, or an extreme psychological event that distressed him emotionally. The research will focus on questions like: Does an unsuitable family setting affect a child’s perception of speech? What impact does stress and emotional distress has on his speech and sound recognition? Does getting him separated from his loved ones like a parent affect his ability to perceive speech? These issues have inspired me to conduct this qualitative research. Literature Review Past Research Papers. Some past research that will be helpful is: Benedek, Elissa P. and Diane H. Schetky. â€Å"Problems in Validating Allegations of Sexual Abuse. Part 1: Factors Affecting Perception and Recall of Events.† Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26.6 (1987): 912-915. (This is a research on the effect of sexual abuse of child’s perception of events bu t it will also be helpful in interpreting child’s speech perception.) Hurewitz, Felicia, Brown-Schmidt, Sarah, Thorpe, Kirsten, Gleitman, Lila R. and John C. Trueswell.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Criminal Justice System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Criminal Justice System - Essay Example Two main models that are used to determine which acts are crimes by society are the consensus model and the conflict model (Farmer 2008). According to the former, criminal behaviour is any act that is in conflict with the beliefs and values of the whole society. This model holds the assumption that as diverse as people and communities are, they can have similar morals. On its part, the conflict model holds that criminal law is determined by those people who hold social, political, and economic power within a given community. One of the theories that apply to crime is the rational choice theory. Also called the decision theory, this theory suggests that humans commit crimes because they serve the interests of the actors or rather bring more benefit as opposed to harm to them. This theory is based on the assumption that the criminal commits crime because they experience a constraint in choice. In this respect, the theory argues that to deter crime effectively, the cost of crime should be set so high that every reasonable person will shun it. The Government Structure As It Applies To the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system comprises a collection of local, state and federal (public) agencies that are dedicated to dealing with crime (Randolph, 2005). In many cases, the decision of one agency affects the decisions of other agencies in matters related to crime.